
Your Help   

First of all, we need your prayer support. We need you as our prayer partners. We realize that without prayer our ministry is weak. We hope that you will join us as our prayer partners.

Then, we need to find financial partners who will help us accomplish this great work. Like many other missions organizations, Evangelism Explosion depends upon the monthly financial support of believers and churches who share our vision. EE is completely funded by the generosity of those who come alongside and partner with us in the work the Lord has called us to accomplish.

Our commitment to our partners:

  • To work diligently to lead people to Jesus and to train others to do that as well
  • To regularly let you know how God is blessing our ministry
  • To share prayer concerns with one another

We pray and hope that you will find this ministry valuable. We really believe it is worth coming alongside and help us move into reaching our vision. We believe that we are altogether into God’s ministry and everyone contributes with what he has been given. May the Lord richly bless your life so that you will bless others. We are hopefully looking forward hearing from you.