
At first, we help churches discover their evangelists. Then, we equip the evangelists with a tool that will allow them to train and equip others. We assist them into this process of growing a strong evangelism team that will slowly be able to equip all believers in their churches. Then, these churches will have believers ready equipped for the work of any ministry they might have locally and also for their everyday life witnessing opportunities. We want to see believers growing strong in sharing their faith and churches expanding their vision to the edges of the earth.

“Multiplication” is the key component—not just winning people to the Lord one-by-one (addition), but training those won to the Lord to win, and then train, others. In the Book of Acts we read that the disciples “multiplied” and “multiplied exceedingly.” This shift from addition to spiritual multiplication offers the one real hope of sharing the Gospel with a world population that is, itself, continually multiplying

 On-the-job training is another vital ingredient. By actually going out with experienced trainers in real life witnessing situations, people learn how to share their faith. Much like learning to fly an airplane would be impossible without actually getting in the cockpit, evangelism is difficult without leaving the confines of a classroom. By learning small parts of the Gospel each week, including Bible verses and illustrations, people incrementally grasp a Gospel tool that becomes a lifelong mission.